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Chief Data Officer
Ken Pfeil


History of the Virginia Datathon

Former Governor Terry McAuliffe announced in April 2014 the first Virginia Open Data Portal and in September 2014, the first Virginia Datathon was held during the Commonwealth of Virginia Innovative Technology Symposium (COVITS) in Richmond, Virginia leveraging data in the Open Data Portal. The event was a first of its kind among state governments across the country. Teams from across the state were challenged to create applications using state data to promote efficiency and transparency within state government. The teams presented their projects to a panel of expert judges and conference attendees who voted for the best team. The spirit of the event prevails today with participants engaging in the sandbox provided and leveraging technology, exercising creativity, and wielding data to develop transformative solutions addressing complex problems. 

The event is now produced by the Virginia Office of Data Governance and Analytics and still leverages the Virginia Open Data Portal but powered by new technology. Event participants include state agencies, students, localities, non-profits, and private sector employees.

The event follows a simple formula: Anyone can join the event. In previous years, event participants have ranged from state agencies to high school and college students. We have even had private sector participation! 

Teams of 4-6 participants will be given Commonwealth data about the theme via the Virginia Open Data Portal. They then work for 1 week to create a solution based on the theme. The teams will present their solutions to a team of judges, who then grade the solutions based on the following criteria: 

  • Impact (as it relates to the theme) 35% 
  • Innovation 20% 
  • Feasibility 20% 
  • Completeness of Idea 15%
  • Presentation 10% 

Prizes are awarded for the following: 

  • 1st Place- Amazon Gift Card Prize 
  • 2nd Place- Amazon Gift Card Prize
  • 3rd Place- Amazon Gift Card Prize
  • People’s Choice­- Amazon Gift Card Prize