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Here to Help

ODGA is here to help Executive Branch Agencies maximize data intelligence. Learn about how ODGA has helped agencies below:


BigID Data Scanning

ODGA used BigID to scan the Department of Criminal Justice Service's unstructured data. 

DWR Purview Solution

ODGA has onboarded 2500 tables of DWR data into the Microsoft Purview solution. 

Virginia State Police Logo

Operation Bold Blue Line Solution

The ODGA was engaged to manage the data collection and consolidation for Operation Bold Blue Line to support the resulting analytics.

Department of Motor Vehicles logo

Department of Motor Vehicle Dashboards

ODGA automated DMV Dashboards for the Chief Transformation Office.

Virginia Department of Veterans Services logo

DVS Veteran Identification Project

ODGA gathered DVS data from multiple file sources and systems and ingested them into ODGA’s internal database systems.

Microsoft Azure logo

Azure Migration

Prior to the migration, ODGA data was hosted in an on-premises data center. The on-premises consisted of over 15 servers including SQL servers, App servers, Power BI instances, etc.  

Serve Virginia

ODGA worked with the Department of Social Services to present survey results in a visually compelling dashboard that will be available to the public to view. 6,393 Virginians were surveyed to develop key insights into motivations to volunteer in their communities. 


Learn how ODGA helped the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) share data with the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS)