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Chief Data Officer
Ken Pfeil

Data Documentation

Data Documentation Process

The Data Documentation Process enables data stewards from different agencies to connect to ODGA databases and run a local tool that allows them to connect to their respective databases and then register the metadata for the tables and views they select. This process empowers and engages the data stewards in a meaningful way and gives them the authority to identify and register their highest value data assets.

Once the data stewards register a data asset, a project workflow is initiated, notifying the Data Team Leads on the appropriate documentation team that there are new data assets ready for documentation. The designated Data Team Lead assigns the registered data assets to their team. These individuals work on the data asset documentation including characteristics like descriptions, data types, business glossary tags, NIEM data elements, and data security classification tier, etc. 

Once the data assets are well documented, the team tags them for review which notifies the agency data steward. If the data asset documentation is approved by the data steward it can be published into the Enterprise Data Catalog. 

This workflow allows the data asset to be automatically harvested by  and incorporated into the Enterprise Data Catalog.